What's the big deal with that Chuck Norris guy anyway-- OH MY GOD THERE HE IS!!!
Oh, Mr. Norris. The Bearded Fury Himself.
If you've been on the internet at all in the last ten years or so (or at least know someone who has, square) you may be aware of all the hype surrounding this hairy fellow. Yes, baby-boomers have surely been scratching their heads for the last decade, puzzled over those crazy kids making a fuss over who they've always considered to be the poor man's Bruce Willis. And for this shameful ignorance they have paid with their lives, punished by Chuck Norris...
Okay, I promise that this article will not be populated with CN jokes, or "facts" as they are commonly described. The truth is, Norris is a human being like anybody else, capable of flaws, failures, and foibles inherently common to our species. I mean, if you just type in "chuck" in Google search, his name is a full 4 results down. 4 results! Can't be that big of a deal...
I don't think I really need to mention the overall quality of his resume, or actual facts about his personal beliefs - such as his staunch support of the ban on gay marriage or his request to "Keep the Gays out of the Boy Scouts." Quality human being, right there.
But I'm hear to judge him solely from an entertainment perspective, so forgive that one emotional transgression. And honestly, I don't get it. Neither does Chuck apparently: As early as 2005, the so-called "Chuck Norris facts" have dominated the internet, from entire websites devoted to the Church of Norris, to jokes from across the media spectrum and into our daily conversations. Want be a hit at the party with little to no effort at all? Simply memorize as many of these jokes as possible beforehand and whip them out at the perfect time. Don't know what time that is? Not to worry, fair mortal! The Gospel of Norris needs no opportune time to grace the rest of us with your hilarity!
In all seriousness, I'm glad that this meme has more-or-less faded considerably since its heyday years ago, when it seems you couldn't go anywhere without hearing this nonsense. But in my expansive interest in facts about Hollywood and the like, I can't understand why other actors are being snubbed in the meme department in lieu of Chuck I-turned-into-a-bear-once Norris.
So here's my nominations for the actors (or actresses) that are far more meme-worthy, compared to a man who probably rates behind Steven Seagal in awesome factor (and that ain't saying much either.)
Shit, you know he heard that.
I don't think I really need to mention the overall quality of his resume, or actual facts about his personal beliefs - such as his staunch support of the ban on gay marriage or his request to "Keep the Gays out of the Boy Scouts." Quality human being, right there.
But I'm hear to judge him solely from an entertainment perspective, so forgive that one emotional transgression. And honestly, I don't get it. Neither does Chuck apparently: As early as 2005, the so-called "Chuck Norris facts" have dominated the internet, from entire websites devoted to the Church of Norris, to jokes from across the media spectrum and into our daily conversations. Want be a hit at the party with little to no effort at all? Simply memorize as many of these jokes as possible beforehand and whip them out at the perfect time. Don't know what time that is? Not to worry, fair mortal! The Gospel of Norris needs no opportune time to grace the rest of us with your hilarity!
In all seriousness, I'm glad that this meme has more-or-less faded considerably since its heyday years ago, when it seems you couldn't go anywhere without hearing this nonsense. But in my expansive interest in facts about Hollywood and the like, I can't understand why other actors are being snubbed in the meme department in lieu of Chuck I-turned-into-a-bear-once Norris.
So here's my nominations for the actors (or actresses) that are far more meme-worthy, compared to a man who probably rates behind Steven Seagal in awesome factor (and that ain't saying much either.)
1. Samuel L. Jackson
That is not a face you fuck with.
1. Mr. Jackson had a bit of a speech impediment when he was but a lad. He learned to combat his stuttering by incorporating the word motherfucker repeatedly in his vocabulary.
2. Was an usher at Martin Luther King Jr.'s funeral at the age of 19.
3. While perhaps not the best to decisions, in 1969 Jackson and a group of his college peers held hostage the Board of Trustees for Morehouse College in an act of protest, and to demand reform for curriculum and the school's governance. Years later he returned to the college to get his Bachelor of Arts in Drama. Like a boss.
4. An impressive resume of onscreen deaths by no less than:
- Velociraptors
- Giant genetically-enhanced sharks
- Racially-confused Gary Oldman
- Motherfuckin' Batman!! (well, okay just Michael Keaton)
- A Sith Lord
- The Deadly Viper Assassination Squad
- And Joe Pesci
5. Has been a Jedi Lord, THE Agent of Shield, a frequent Tarantino collaborator, Vin Diesel AND Ice Cube's boss, played Shaft, (yeah that Shaft), beat Bruce Willis in a battle-of-wits as a handicapped person, and imprisoned Christina Ricci.
6. Has a clause in his acting contracts saying that he must be within a decent distance from a golf course no matter the shooting location (what?)
7. He's had it with those fucking snakes.
1. His (arguably) debut role in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest earned him a Golden Globe, a British Academy Award and an Oscar Nomination.
2. Was set to play The Scarecrow in Batman Forever, before Tim Burton left the project.
3. During the filming of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, several of his (British) co-stars believed him to be British as well due to his flawless in-character accent. Bernard Hill, who played King Theoden and is incidentally English as well, heard Dourif speak in his native American accent after filming was over and thought it was "the worst American accent I've ever heard."
4. Was considered for Robert De Niro's role in the remake of Cape Fear.
5. Has faced off against: Scully and Mulder, Xenomorphs (sweet jesus!), Nurse Ratched, The House Atreides, Gandalf the White, Michael Myers, and Al "cocksucker" Swearengen.
6. Has a clause in his acting contracts saying that he must be within a decent distance from a golf course no matter the shooting location (what?)
7. He's had it with those fucking snakes.
Aw, they better put me in the Afro Samurai live-action movie, goddamnit.
2. Ron Perlman

1. Went through the usual 4+ hours of makeup for Hellboy...in order to fulfill a Make-A-Wish by hanging out with a six-year-old boy with leukemia for a day.
2. Won a Golden Globe for playing the Beast. Like from Beauty and the Beast. Badass.
3. Is mainly left-handed, meaning the role of Hellboy was practically written for him.
4. Was good friends with Sammy Davis Jr...plus has affinities for golf, jazz, pool and cigar-smoking. So basically, if he was born 20 years earlier he probably could've been a member of The Rat Pack
5. Was the voice of Deathstroke the Terminator; Clayface, Bane, Killer Croc and Batman! Oh and Bruce Banner/The Hulk.
6. Has faced off against: all manner of demons and such (5 times as Hellboy), Blade, Xenomorphs (and lived), Kaiju (and lived!), Afro Samurai, the Teen Titans, and Ryan Gosling (he sadly did not live.)
Oh, you get my vote buddy.
3. Sigourney Weaver
1. Took her stage name Sigourney from a minor character in The Great Gatsby.
2. Was reportedly 5'11'' tall at the age of 14. So she probably could've kicked my ass at that age.
3. Voted #20 of Channel 4's 100 Greatest Movie Stars of All Time, one of only two women in the top 20 (the other being Audrey Hepburn.)
4. 3-time Academy Award nominee, 7-time Golden Globe Nominee.
5. Faced off against: Xenomorphs (constantly), Those We Don't Speak Of, The Ancient Ones, Gozer the Gozerian, Vigo the Carpathian, and Shia LeBeouf.

Again, yes please!!
4. Brad Dourif
1. His (arguably) debut role in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest earned him a Golden Globe, a British Academy Award and an Oscar Nomination.
2. Was set to play The Scarecrow in Batman Forever, before Tim Burton left the project.
3. During the filming of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, several of his (British) co-stars believed him to be British as well due to his flawless in-character accent. Bernard Hill, who played King Theoden and is incidentally English as well, heard Dourif speak in his native American accent after filming was over and thought it was "the worst American accent I've ever heard."
4. Was considered for Robert De Niro's role in the remake of Cape Fear.
5. Has faced off against: Scully and Mulder, Xenomorphs (sweet jesus!), Nurse Ratched, The House Atreides, Gandalf the White, Michael Myers, and Al "cocksucker" Swearengen.
Hey, whatever floats your boat, pal.
5. Lance Henriksen
1. Dropped out of school at the age of twelve, didn't fully learn to read until he was 30, and he did this by studying film scripts.
2. James Cameron originally envisioned the role of The Terminator for Henriksen, which by the way came to him in a nightmare. Though the role eventually went to Big Arnie, Henriksen played a minor role in the film. He was also the inspiration for the monster in Jeepers Creepers.
3. Holds the distinction of being of only 2 actors to killed onscreen by a Terminator, Predator, and a Xenomorph; the other being Bill Paxton.
4. During the filming of Near Dark, in which he played the leader of a pack of roving vampires, Henriksen drove cross-country to the film production, picking up hitchhikers and scaring the piss out of them by acting like he would really drink their blood. He also lost a considerable amount of weight during that role to appear more emaciated, to the point that he threw his back out while walking down the stairs.
5. Has faced off against: The aforementioned Terminator, Predator, and Xenomorph (goddamnit!), Damien the Antichrist, killer Pirahnas, Pumpkinhead, Jean Claude Van Damme, Gene Hackman, Johnny Depp, Superman, and Sasquatch
Okay, I give! You win!
6. Peter Cushing
That should pretty much sum that up. Also worth mentioning:
1. Since the knee-high boots that came with his uniform for Star Wars were too tight and uncomfortable, Cushing wore fluffy slippers around the set. Carrie Fisher said that her scenes with him were very difficult due to the fact that he was so kind and charming off camera. Although the onscreen character is responsible for the murder of her entire home planet, Fisher found it nearly impossible to act with disdain for the man.

I am so gellin'.
7. Christopher Lee
There he is. The man who made Dracula sexy again. While a prolific and respected actor, many people are completely unaware of his total awesomeness, both on and off the screen.
The Facts:
1. Was constantly beaten in school, though he accepted this as "logical and therefore acceptable" punishments since he was a troublemaker.
2. His first acting role was as Rumpelstiltskin.
3. Served in the Royal Air Force, and even performed intelligence work. Also tripped over a live bomb and lived.
4. Close friends with Vincent Price and Peter Cushing, the latter of which he appeared in over twenty films with. Also best buds with Ian McKellen.
5. Before appearing in Lord of the Rings as Saruman, Lee was already an immense fan of Tolkien's works, reading the titular series annually.
6. Turned down the role of Dr. Loomis in Halloween, which he refers to as one of his biggest regrets.
7. Speaks fluent English, Italian, French, Spanish and German, and moderately proficient in Swedish, Russian and Greek.
8. Has been seen as: Frankenstein's Monster, The Mummy, Rasputin, Sherlock Holmes, Dracula (dozens of times), a Bond villain, Saruman the White, Count Dooku, Willy Wonka's dad, and The Jabberwocky (!)
9. Has been a heavy metal musician for some time, serving among other projects as the lead vocalist of the Italian symphonic power-metal band Rhapsody of Fire. His own music project released a complete metal album called Charlemagne: By the Sword and the Cross, making him the oldest performer in metal history.
10. Last but not least, Christopher Lee is 92 years old, still active with no plans to retire from acting, music or otherwise. And he also has a badass beard! Take that, Chuck!
Yeah, you know Chuck Norris just shit himself.
Thanks for reading!
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